Mar 3, 2013

If you have a requirement to reconcile user status from target resource and also to provision the value of user status into a target account you can follow this post.
Let’s say for example in the target resource the status is marked as A for enable and  D for disable. To accomplish this using GTC connector you will need a lookup based translation.
For provisioning let’s assume that the target database application table has a column USER_STATUS corresponding to the Status column in OIM, Also the target has different statuses corresponding to the statuses in OIM. To accomplish the provisioning then follow these steps:-
  1. Create a lookup definition as shown in below snapshot

  2. Now create the GTC connector and do not choose the trusted source reconciliation as this is an example of target resource reconciliation and provisioning. Now map the OIM user dataset Status column to the provisioning staging dataset’s USER_STATUS column and choose “create mapping with translation” option. The mapping should be as shown in the below screenshot.

  3. Now when the provisioning happens the USER_STATUS will be populated as A and when you will disable the user the USER_STATUS will be set as D on the target resource.
If you also have to reconcile the target’s resource status with OIM’s resource status  and the target resource has different values for the statuses than OIM then follow the below mentioned steps:-
  1. Create a another lookup (you could also use same lookup) that maps the target’s statuses to OIM’s statuses. Since this is target resource reconciliation the statuses will be Enabled and Disabled on OIM side But,if this were trusted resource reconciliation these would have been Active and Disabled on OIM side. The screenshot below shows the lookup.

  2. Now go to reconciliation mapping of the GTC connector and in the reconciliation staging dataset add a column and name it RECONCILE_STATUS and choose “Create mapping with Translation” option and map the USER_STATUS field  to the the reconciliation lookup literal which has the mapping for translation.  Refer to the below screenshots.

  3. After the above mapping map is done map the new RECONCILE_STATUS column in Reconciliation staging dataset to the OIM_OBJECT_STATUS field in the OIM account data set.

This completes the mapping for the GTC connector now you can test the provisioning and  reconciliation.To test the reconciliation change the status from A TO D in the target database table and run the OIM reconciliation scheduler which in turn will generate the event and the resource will be disabled in OIM for the particular user.
The following screenshot shows how the entire mapping looks like.

Posted on Sunday, March 03, 2013 by Unknown

Mar 2, 2013

I recently faced an issue that after installing and configuring IDM domain, when i tried to run the config.bat for oim server the script was crashing on my windows 7 OS. The problems faced by me are mentioned below along with the causes and solutions.
  1. Problem: Setup.exe has stopped working; Solution: Try placing the JDK in a directory that does not contain spaces and make sure that if you are using windows 7 64 bit OS the jre is also 64 bit. To specify the jre location to the config script place it in the config.bat script as mentioned in below snippet.
    %ORACLE_HOME%\oui\bin\setup.exe %ARGS% -debug -jreLoc C:\jdk1.6.0_18\jre 

    The above snippet also enables debugging which is helpful in fixing any other issues that you might face.

  2. Problem: Setup.exe crashes with FileNotFoundException, This problem was happening because of the fact that config.bat specifies an additional parameter “-oneclick” which causes the setup.exe to look for; Solution: This property is not required so open the config.bat and remove this property.

  3. Problem: JVM crashes with access violation exception, This problem causes jvm to dump the process state and occurs due to compatibility issue A small snippet of process dump that shows the issue is mentioned below ; Solution: Go to the setup.exe process in oui/bin directory and under the compatibility tab for the process check  disable visual themes and desktop composition .

    # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
    #  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000077080895, pid=6968, tid=6860
    # JRE version: 6.0_18-b07
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (16.0-b13 mixed mode windows-amd64 )
    # Problematic frame:
    # C  [ntdll.dll+0x50895]
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:


Phew ! thats a lot of issues for one installer hope it saves someone else's time cause it sure didn't save mine.

Posted on Saturday, March 02, 2013 by Unknown