I had developed this utility on swing back in 2009. This utility can be used to schedule shutdown, lock, sleep, hibernate, reboot and log off operations in windows.

Earlier this utility was based on external dependencies and due to this dependency the utility was not working anymore . Now I have created two versions of the utility Shutdown-basic* and Shutdown jar. The difference lies in the component used to select the date and time for scheduling the operation.

Shutdown.jar:  This utility utilizes a advanced swing component to select date and time.  As this swing component is for trial version only, using it after the trial period might give you exception during launch, but the functionality will still work.

Shutdownbasic.jar:  This is a standalone utility which does not use any proprietary swing component, so it will work without issues.

Using the application:-

  • The jar is runnable, so just launch the application by opening command prompt at the application folder and invoking "java -jar shutdown.jar" (without the quotes) or “java –jar shutdownbasic.jar” command or you can set it to open with java by default.
  • Select the time and date for the scheduling the operation.
  • Select the operation from the drop down box that you want to execute and click on the submit button.
  • One can always abort the current operation in between by clicking on the abort button.
  • The label at the bottom will display the time left for the execution of the operation.


Download the application from the link below:-

Following are the snapshots of the application:-

shutdown utility shutdown utility2

shutdown utility3 shutdown utility4

Note:- Its always recommended to create a shortcut for running jar files. So just create a shortcut and in the target prefix the command 'javaw -jar' and save the shortcut.