Sep 21, 2011

If you are using ADF 11g and you encounter this issue kindly check your ps_txn table. You can delete the records from this table and then you will see that this error will go away. This table is used by ADFm internally to serialize user session state to database, so this table has to be monitored and appropriate grants have to be given to the database user so that it can create the database objects. For more information kindly refer to this article by chris muir. PS_TXN...

Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 by Unknown

This is a short tip on where to add the <af:resource type="javascript"> tag when you want to include javascript in your adf page fragment. The place to include the tag is inside of a root component layout like panelFormLayout or panelGroupLayout because otherwise if you place it outside of the root component the resource might not be loaded and hence your script method will not be found which can sometimes lead to issues with the user interface also because a javascript error will prevent panelStretchLayout from stretching. But if you place...

Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 by Unknown

You might face a scenario where you have to reuse the same view object in different task flows. But the issue you will encounter if you are not using separate View Object instances is that changes made to view objects in one task flow will reflect in the view object in the other task flow. If you are not using separate view object instances you can either call clearCache on the view object when the region renders or call ApplicationModuleImpl clearVOCaches method.  The former method will clear cache for both transient and entity based view...

Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 by Unknown

Sep 9, 2011

In this post i am sharing a utility for performing the following operations on OID using the OPSS API :- User creation  Dropping a user Getting all roles for a user Role/Roles assignment to user/users Revocation of role/roles from user/ users Changing password for a user  Resetting password for a user  Searching a User  Getting members belonging to a particular role.  The relevant code fragment is attached below. Hope this utility will be helpful for someone who wants to integrate application with OID using OPSS. import...

Posted on Friday, September 09, 2011 by Unknown

Sep 3, 2011

If you have a requirement for opening a printable page and also the print dialog and you are using page fragments then you should implement the RegionController interface rather than  PagePhaseListener. I had such a requirement and then implemented it using RegionController interface. On any page fragment that you are required to implement this functionality just add an EL expression or a fully classified name of the class that implements the region controller class in the page definition's ControllerClass attribute.  The code snippet...

Posted on Saturday, September 03, 2011 by Unknown