Dec 8, 2012

In OIM 11g, the entity adapters cannot be attached to the user form. So instead you will have to re-implement the entity adapters as event handlers. I had a requirement recently to do the same. The good thing about it is you can combine multiple operations into one single event handler. In this post i am going to share the code for one pre-process and one post-process event handler. The pre-process event handler is going to generate the user login based upon the user type. The post process is going to generate email id for the user if one is...

Posted on Saturday, December 08, 2012 by Unknown

I had recently installed newest version of the songbird, but found out that equalizer preset could not be added to it because newer version of the add-on was not available. The workaround is mentioned below. Just download the equalizer preset + plug-in from songbird site. Open it with 7zip or other archive software. Open the install.rdf present in the archive and in the songbird section edit the em:maxversion to 2.1.0. Install the add-on manually by clicking the install and selecting the add-on from the file system and restart songbird....

Posted on Saturday, December 08, 2012 by Unknown

Sep 29, 2012

If you have a requirement for doing code coverage in an ADF application you can easily accomplish it using EMMA. The good thing about EMMA is that it supports offline instrumentation which essentially helps in collecting and merging the data from various runs plus in case of offline instrumentation you are not affected by the runtime class loading...

Posted on Saturday, September 29, 2012 by Unknown

May 21, 2012

I have created a custom faces component for previewing the uploaded images/flash files. It is a facelet component and the implementation is very crude but i hope that the product team can come up with something better. As other frameworks like richfaces/primefaces do have this kind of component. The component does not have any renderer  registered with it. The entire thing is being handled in the component class. The logic on which this component is based upon is to render markup based upon content type of the file. It then generates a URL...

Posted on Monday, May 21, 2012 by Unknown

Apr 23, 2012

This is a short post about how one can use ADF security to hide/show links to the taskflows depending upon the user role. We can either use userInRole or taskflowViewable EL expressions on the visible or rendered property of the af:command link. But, choosing one over the other has repercussions on maintainability and also causes replication of security configuration in the source code   The preferred way, i think is to use taskflowViewable expression as it avoids the aforementioned problems. This can be seen by the sample usage of the...

Posted on Monday, April 23, 2012 by Unknown

Apr 4, 2012

There is a caveat i wanted to highlight with respect to view criteria that has a performance impact. if you use a view criteria it is applied after the query block as shown below. This example is based on the scott schema. select * from (select empno from emp)QRSLT where empno=2; Now the query execution plan will be the same to the output of the following query where you filter the records inside rather than using a viewcriteria. select empno from emp where empno=:bvar;The plan is shown below :- PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan...

Posted on Wednesday, April 04, 2012 by Unknown

Mar 7, 2012

In this post i would discuss a simple workaround to the fact that ADF 11g does not support a explicit window close event. The workaround is to use a library like dojo or jquery. One should use these libraries as it will make the function cross browser compatible. The code mentioned below logs the user out when they press the close button on browser. It essentially calls the unLoad function which makes the use of function (this dojo function also allows cross site data access using callbacks). <script type="text/javascript"...

Posted on Wednesday, March 07, 2012 by Unknown

Feb 22, 2012

This is a simple procedure i created for unlocking user account and resetting the password to the original password, Although a very small utility it helps you with unlocking accounts that you tend to use after a long time which in my case were the SOA server and the BAM server user accounts. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "SYS"."ACCOUNT_UNLOCKER" ( p_user in varchar2 ) is temp_password varchar2(255); begin select password into temp_password from sys.user$ where upper(name)=upper(p_user ); execute immediate 'alter user '||p_user||' account unlock...

Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 by Unknown

Jan 1, 2012

Following is a technical white paper that shows you how to reset field values in ADF using ADF JavaScript client library. View/Downl...

Posted on Sunday, January 01, 2012 by Unknown