This is a collection of wallpapers made by consummate artists and photographers taken from various sources such as deviant art, torrents, etc. To save a wallpaper click on the image and then right click and choose save as.

1. Kingdom of heaven(1680*1050):

Kingdom of Heaven image

2. Never Again to Believe(1000*666):

3. Dark Bliss Wraith(1680*1050):

4. Sea mist software's (2560*1600):

5. Mountain and lake by ivinix trunten(1920*1200):

6. Sunset Gold and Blue by rehsup(1920*1200):

7.Windows7 wallpaper by arandas(1280*1024):

8. Awesome Windows 7 wallpaper(1680*1050):

9. Windows 7 wallpaper (1280*1024):

10. Windows7 Glow by dj Corny(download the rar file having various resolutions): The 1024*768 sample image is shown below.

Download link

Note: You may also want to see the following posts:-

1.How to disable the desktop to get the real amazing effect of wallpapers and

2.Download the windows xp visual themes